Accessing an Instance

Your PocketBase instance managed by PocketHost can be accessed in several ways:

  1. <uuid>
  2. <subdomain>
  3. FTP access for direct file management

Each PocketHost instance is assigned a permanent UUID, and a unique subdomain that you can customize and update at any time.

Example: I use PocketHost to run the backend for my web game, Harvest. I created a PocketHost instance and chose the subdomain harvest, making it accessible at Since instances can be renamed, PocketHost also assigns a permanent UUID. In this case, the UUID is mfsicdp6ia1zpiu, so the instance is always accessible at, regardless of subdomain changes.

Custom domains are supported at the Pro level, and we manage SSL certificates for you. Learn more about setting up custom domains here.

For direct file access, you can use FTP access to manage files like backups, uploads, and logs directly on your instance.

(c) 2024, PocketHost
Proudly hacking open source in Reno, NV