

PocketBase Hooks

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The prebuilt PocketBase v0.17+ executable comes with an embedded ES5 JavaScript engine (goja) which enables you to write custom server-side code using plain JavaScript.

Every PocketHost instance comes with a pb_hooks directory accessible via FTP. When your PocketBase instance runs, the contents are mounted at /pb_hooks. This directory is where you can place your custom server-side code.

For examples and more information about PocketBase hooks, see the PocketBase JS hooks documentation.

Quickstart 🔗

You can start by creating *.pb.js file(s) inside the pb_hooks directory. The *.pb.js files are automatically loaded and executed by PocketBase.

Important Notes 🔗

  • Altering the pb_hooks directory will cause your PocketHost instance to be restarted so changes are picked up automatically.
  • If code in pb_hooks causes your pocketbase instance to exit unexpectedly, your instance will be placed in Maintenance Mode until you can correct the problem and manually move your instance out of Maintenance Mode.

Code Samples 🔗

Listen to the onAfterBootstrap 🔗

This example creates a hook handler and logs a message to the console. It also demonstrates how to use CommonJS require statements to import other modules.

// pb_hooks/main.pb.js

// This runs when the PocketBase instance is first bootstrapped
onAfterBootstrap((e) => {
  // You can load config or util files for your app
  const config = require(`${__hooks}/config/config.js`)
  const name = 'Hooks!'
  const fxTest = config.hello(name)

  console.log('App initialized!')
  console.log(`fxTest: ${fxTest}`)
  console.log(`App name: ${JSON.stringify(config)}`)
// pb_hooks/config/config.js

module.exports = {
  appName: 'pockethost-test',
  appVersion: '0.0.1',
  hello: (name) => {
    return 'Hello ' + name

Register a new HTTP route 🔗

// pb_hooks/somefile.pb.js
routerAdd('POST', '/test/:testId', (c) => {
  const testId = c.pathParam('testId')

  return c.json(200, {

You can now access this HTTP endpoint from a client-side HTTP request:

const instanceRoot = `https://<subdomain>.pockethost.io`
const pb = new PocketBase('')

const response = await pb.send('/test/theTestId', {
  method: 'POST',

// response returns { testId: "theTestId" }

Update a record 🔗

// pb_hooks/posts.update.pb.js
routerAdd('PATCH', '/posts/:postId', (c) => {
  const postId = c.pathParam('postId')

  // Get body data
  const body = $apis.requestInfo(c).data
  const status = body.status

  // Find a record by ID on the "posts" collection
  const record = $app.dao().findRecordById('posts', postId)

  // If the record doesn't exist, return a 404
  // Perhaps you can return a 40X if the user doesn't have permission to update the record etc
  if (!record) {
    return c.json(404, {
      error: 'Record not found',

  // Update the record with the new status
  record.set('status', status)

  // Save the record

  // Expand record before we return it
  $app.dao().expandRecord(record, ['user', 'comments'], null)

  // Return the record
  return c.json(200, {

Create a record 🔗

// pb_hooks/posts.create.pb.js
routerAdd('POST', '/posts', (c) => {
  // Get body data
  const body = $apis.requestInfo(c).data

  // Get values from body
  const { postTitle, postDescription } = body

  // Find the collection by name
  const postsCollection = $app.dao().findCollectionByNameOrId('posts')

  // Create a new post record
  const record = new Record(postsCollection, {
    title: postTitle,

  // Save the record

  // Return the record
  return c.json(200, {

Listen for record changes on a collection 🔗

In this example, a new Stripe customer is created when a new PocketBase user is created.

// pb_hooks/users.onRegister.pb.js

onRecordAfterCreateRequest((e) => {
  // Get the record
  const record = e.record

  try {
    // Invoke Stripe API to create a new customer
    const response = $http.send({
      url: 'https://api.stripe.com/v1/customers', // Stripe API URL
      method: 'POST',
      body: {
        email: record.email,
      headers: {
        // Provide Stripe API key or whatever else they require

    if (response) {
      console.log('Stripe customer created!', response.newCustomerId)
  } catch (err) {
}, 'users') // This runs when a record is created on the "users" collection