

PocketHost 0.5.7

Overview 🔗

Prepare for a quantum leap in your development cycle, NodeJS wizards! Exiting from time's tunnel is the innovative majesty - the PocketHost version 0.5.7, punctually delivered on 26th December 2022. This upgrade isn’t just Christmas-gift-wrapped graham crackers, it redefines game rules!

This update not only rectifies a constellation of lurking production errors but also transcends them into the realm of the forgotten past. Bid goodbye to unattended issues and invite a future of seamless code execution.

Confidently harness the power of PATCH and DELETE CORS operations, now an integral part of PocketHost's capabilities. No stone left unturned, no HTTP method left unsupported, right?

Next, be stoked about the addition of PM2 production support, a sturdy engine to propel your applications into the land of user delight. Excellent, for applications that need to survive application crashes and unexpected system reboots.

Lastly, the cherry on the top of this node.js sundae - an inventive 'auto-upgrade' feature with SemVer tagging. It's "The One With SemVer Tagging", promising a curve of continuous improvement rather than erratic jumps. The kind of predictability software developers (and Ross Geller) would appreciate.

  • Fix various production errors
  • Support PATCH and DELETE CORS operations
  • Add pm2 production support
  • Implement auto-upgrade feature and semver tagging